
Ambleside and District

Group Category: General

  • Local History

    The group is now meeting only occasionally for lack of a coordinator to take over from Joan Carus, who ran the group for many years. Please consider if you can take on this role. Speakers needed: many members will have an interest and information that can be shared with our group. Please consider doing this… Read more

  • Theatre/Concert

    Coordinators: and The group organises visits to the theatre, concerts, ballets and operas, travelling to the venue and back by coach. We sometimes attend evening performances with the coach leaving at around 12 noon to allow members to spend the afternoon as they wish in the area of the theatre venue. As always, we welcome… Read more

  • The RockDrops

    The Rockdrops is an informal group that aims to let people enjoy playing music together, mainly from the 1950s through to the 1970s, from Elvis and the Beatles to Neil Diamond. Those who attend typically have some limited experience of playing or singing with others at an intermediate level, having moved past the beginner stage.… Read more

  • Mah-jong and Rummikub

    Mah-jong is an easy-to-learn game and any new or existing members are welcome to enjoy a good social afternoon. We have expanded our programme to include rummikub. Members are on hand to teach the games. No partners are needed. For an introduction to the games contact the coordinator. Read more

  • Pub Lunches

    We meet at 12 noon 2nd & 4th Wednesday every month. Anyone is welcome to join us, we’re a friendly bunch who like to lunch. At each venue we’ll decide our next few lunch spots. If one of us has found a new pub or hotel serving good food at a reasonable cost we add… Read more

  • Geology

    The group began in 2015 and was stimulated by a very expert and knowledgeable Clive Boulter who gave talks and led field trips. Clive moved away after a few years but we continued the group with less expert geologists coordinating and members of the group taking turns to lead trips and give talks. We learned… Read more

  • Crosswords

    We work together on separate cryptic crosswords at tables of between two and four people and each table hopes to solve two crosswords in the two hours, even if we don't always succeed. Working together in this way provides an excellent opportunity to hone our solving skills and improve our knowledge of words. A cup… Read more

  • Cultural History

    We have talks and discussions on various cultural aspects of civilisations throughout history. Although currently inactive we would welcome a new coordinator to reactivate the group. Read more

  • Garden Visits

    Coordinators: and We generally meet on the 1st Monday of the month but if this proves difficult we can be flexible. At the moment visits to gardens are taking place during the summer – from May to October. There are no plans for winter activities. We hold a plant swap session in October. Members of… Read more

  • Bridge at Ladyholme

    We field a range of abilities and beginners, refreshers and any other players are welcome to join us. As far as possible tuition either separately or in play will be available. We aim for a relaxed and supportive context while adopting a structure which can help new players into more formal play in the future.… Read more