
Ambleside and District

Garden Visits

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Mondays
First Monday in the month

Coordinators: Hanna Burke and Penny Henderson

We generally meet on the 1st Monday of the month but if this proves difficult we can be flexible.

At the moment visits to gardens are taking place during the summer – from May to October. There are no plans for winter activities. We hold a plant swap session in October.

Members of this group are responsible for organising and leading visits. To quote Eric Midwinter (u3a founder): ‘Every member should be doing something’….

Members are also responsible for organising car sharing. You may find it helpful to obtain an NGS booklet as most (not all) of our garden visits are to these gardens.

Matson Ground on 3 July 2023. Lovely garden, sunshine and head gardener giving us lots of useful and informative advice

Rose Croft garden in Levens on 7 August 2023. A garden full of colour with winding pathways and a panoramic view of the valley. Each part of the garden had it's own interest: white silver birch trees, vegetables, a feast of thornless blackberries, a wild flower area, damson and plum trees and much more. We enjoyed tea, cakes and biscuits in sunshine in a delightful garden.

The Yews, Storrs Park - 24 May 2024

The garden is home to a wide variety of different ecosystems, including a sunken garden and yew maze. The visit was concluded with lemon drizzle and tea....

Middle Blakebank, Underbarrow - 1 July 2024

A guided tour by the gardener of this beautiful garden with panoramic views across the valley. A garden with large area of lawn left unmown, unusual plants and the clever use of rocky areas and shallow soil.